Fradley Neighbourhood Plan

What is a Neighbourhood Plan and why is it important?

Neighbourhood Plans are local initiatives, where the community creates a plan for local development and detail the types of accommodation, facilities and services required in the area.

In order to ensure Communities are accurately represented Neighbourhood Plans are developed via a series of consultations, discussions and finally a referendum to approve the plan.

Most new developments attract a Community Infrastructure Levy (a charge levied by local planning authorities) It is an important tool for local authorities to use to help them to deliver the infrastructure needed to support development in their area.

A proportion of this Levy is classed as 'Neighbourhood CIL' and is usually 15%, for areas who have adopted a Neighbourhood Plan this proportion rises to 25%. This means that more funds are made available to the Parish Council when developments begin and the Community are able to have a greater say on how this money is spent to benefit local infrastructure.

What is the position now?

On 12th February 2019, Lichfield District Council formally accepted Fradley Neighbourhood Plan, it now forms part of the development plan for Lichfield District and must be taken into consideration by developers, planning officers and the planning committee at LDC.

You can read more about how the plan was made as well as view the plan and supporting documents here: Fradley Neighbourhood Plan (

What happens next?

It is recommended that the Neighbourhood Plan is reviewed every 5 years and must be kept broadly in-line with Lichfield District Councils Local Plan (as this is amended and updated).

The NP can be amended at any time though and it is likely that changes will be proposed before this time.

If you would like more information on how to get involved with updating the Neighbourhood Plan, please contact Claire Crompton (Parish Clerk) via

For further information visit the dedicated Fradley Neighbourhood Plan website:

View of a lake