The Parish Council holds full formal meetings on a monthly basis.  These usually take place on the third Thursday of the month and are held in the Village Hall. 

Members of the public are welcome to attend all meetings of the Parish Council. Members of the public may make representations, ask questions or give evidence in respect of business on the agenda.  Sometimes, the public is excluded from all or part of a meeting due to the confidential nature of the business.  Public participation is limited to 3 minutes per speaker and 20 minutes in total under Public Speaking on the agenda.

Our Meetings Calendar, agendas, minutes and any supporting documents for Fradley Parish Council Meetings, are available below.

Meetings Calendar


Agendas and Minutes of our Full Council Meetings

16 Jan 25


Supporting documents for this meeting are available below. Draft Minutes attached



20 Feb 25


Supporting documents for this meeting are available below.


Supporting Documents for Full Council Meetings

Agendas and key documents that will be referred to during the course of full council meetings are available here.  

Documents relating to confidential items do not appear.

 Supporting Documents for Fradley Parish Council Meetings


Notes and Minutes from Miscellanious Meetings

Dog in a field